Author Archives: admin

The Young Teacher’s Guide To Using Technology In The Class Room

You, as an inexperienced teacher, should begin with simple technology, slowly. You need to adopt the ‘KISS’ principle, i.e. ‘Keep it simple, stupid.’ Keep away from the ‘complicated teaching aids’ that the more advanced technology represents. That said, it is important to realise that no form of technology is the ‘be all and end all’…

Health Education – Know Medical Equipment Types

Without a doubt, medical professionals working in hospitals, offices and other health facilities heavily depend on medical equipment in caring for their patients. As such tools are fundamental to perform their job duties, it is best to be aware that there are different types of medical equipment. Ranging from x-ray machines to heart monitor equipments,…

Why Social Media is Important For Small Businesses!

Business is changing and the internet and social media offer opportunities only dreamed of years ago. Businesses are backing off aggressive advertising campaigns in favor of directly connecting with their customers and the general public. Small businesses really benefit from social advertising, which expose you to a worldwide audience at very little cost. It’s important…

The Homeschool Classroom – Bulk Purchasing

One of the most common fears of a new or prospective homeschooling mom is MONEY. “We have a one-income family. How can we afford to homeschool? How do I spend less money, but maintain high quality? I don’t want to be broke during the entire span of my children’s educational years.” Thankfully, there are options.…

Things to Consider When Homeschooling Your Children

Homeschooling families are increasing in number and the reasons that lead families into homeschooling vary. But several things remain true. When you have decided to homeschool, there are a few things to keep in mind and periodically consider when you take on this role for your children. If you are just getting started, you might…

Overnight Backpack – A Large But Reasonably Sized Backpack

For camping trips that are going to last two days it helps to bring a backpack that is going to be relatively large but not too big. In this case an overnight backpack can be used. This is a large backpack that is helpful for camping trips but is not going to be too large.…

Skin Products You Can Really Trust – Figuring Out What Products Work and Which Ones Don’t

There are many skin products out there that make a wide variety of claims. Figuring out what products work and which ones do not can be a very challenging process and you want to do your research to find a product that is going to compliment your skin perfectly. When it comes to skin products…

Small Business Ideas in “Green”

The world is becoming extremely environmental conscience. With great pushes to save the environment and reminding everyone that they can do their part, the market in green has become huge. By the “green” market we are speaking of items that are environmentally friendly. There are several areas where the opportunities for small businesses are huge.…